I have seen more than my share of smart, committed military tacticians and strategists return from post-grad programs eager to put all their "new" knowledge to the test. This is a supremely pathetic mark on the epic story of our military. Milley expects his subordinates to mirror his choices. But he's been educated and conditioned his entire career to say and do whatever he must to please his boss, and his boss's boss, for the all-powerful Officer Evaluation Report, which determines whether careers sink or soar. Mark Milley couldn't care less about white rage or social justice.

Some are embarrassments, such as the current chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, who can't seem to apologize enough for having accepted his appointment from the prior commander in chief. US soldiers stand to attention at the United States Army military training base in Grafenwoehr, southern Germany, on July 13, 2022.

Uniformed "leaders" in the five-sided building may be physically brave, but too many are moral cowards. Back on duty in Arlington, officers are wholly dependent upon the approval of their civilian bosses. Many find it difficult to shake the woke indoctrination of their campus experience. The ideologies they absorb-to be fair, sometimes out of survival-flow back to base, out to sea, onto the field, and straight into the Pentagon, where woke mantras are now fostered, promoted, and enshrined into policy with evangelical zeal. They want to be thoughtful and understanding, politically correct in ways that make them less distasteful to their temporary peers. Their careers will go no further.Įager to fit in on campus, many officers seek to demonstrate that they are not quite so bad as their civilian colleagues think. Whatever the case, without advanced degrees from these institutions, officers can turn in their resignation letters at the 10-year mark. They seem suicidally determined to out-progressive their rabidly progressive civilian counterparts. Our nation's official war colleges offer little solace. While I would hope to make the exception with STEM-related programs, they too have succumbed to the pull of woke indoctrination. They complete undergraduate and graduate degrees in the humanities, most of which have little, if any, connection to warfare (or even reality). We send our officers to Ivy League schools and other elite institutions of "higher learning" to supposedly round out their educations. Our officers are politically and socially indoctrinated right alongside the population that passes through our colleges and universities. This ruinous and disorienting requirement has left our military leaders as far afield from their war-fighting forebears of the previous centuries as one could possibly imagine. So in terms of instruction, military officers are on par with their civil-servant and academic counterparts. Over the course of decades, Pentagon luminaries convinced themselves that non-military education forges better practitioners of the arts and sciences of warfare. The military itself birthed this one by building a system that miseducates our officers. Virtually every challenge has a life cycle. military is society's most venomous and exploitative force: wokeism.

Yet it's happening today, and the tool being used to demolish the U.S. I had never witnessed, however, the leadership of our armed forces determined to blow up the best elements of America's most worthy of institutions. military faces what a top general called 'unprecedented challenges' in bringing in recruits." Earlier this week, a watchdog group sued the Pentagon for teaching critical race theory to naval recruits.įor over 40 years, I served our nation. The Associated Press recently reported that "the U.S. It's hard for veterans of my age cohort to stomach the latest news. military dominance in the face of Soviet totalitarianism's global resurgence. I enlisted in the Navy in 1981 during President Ronald Reagan's campaign to restore U.S.